Stop Believing These 4 Thermostat Myths Today in Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL often experiences chilly temperatures in the winter and spring followed by high temps in the summer. If you believe some of the common thermostat myths, you might not use yours as often or as efficiently as you should. Learn the truth behind some of the thermostat myths you may have heard from others.

1. Thermostats Work Quickly

You probably heard from others that you can crank the AC up to cool your home as quickly as possible. However, the thermostat simply adjusts the amount of air that comes out and not necessarily the temperature. It’s better to keep your home at a set temperature to keep it comfortable, which may also reduce your need for heating services and repairs later.

2. You Need to Make Big Changes to Save

A popular myth says that you need to adjust your thermostat by several degrees to see any real changes to your energy bills. The truth is that adjusting the temperature by only one degree can reduce your bill by 1% or more. Feel free to turn the temperature up on a hot spring day without worrying about your power bill.

3. Thermostats Work the Same in All Locations

The spot where you install and use your thermostat plays a key role in how well it operates. If you place the thermostat near a window or door with a draft, it will always register a different temperature than it should. You may even find it helpful to install a thermostat on each floor in your home.

4. You Should Always Turn Off the Heat or AC When You Leave

This myth claims that you should turn the heat or AC off every time you leave to save some money. The truth is that this can cost you more because the thermostat and HVAC system need to work harder to adjust the temperature later. You’re better off adjusting the temperature by around 20 degrees instead of shutting off the whole system.

Learn more about thermostats and the truth behind the myths you hear. Contact Perfect Temperature Control at the first sign of a thermostat problem that requires a heating or AC repair.

Image provided by iStock

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