How Much Do Pets Affect IAQ in Evanston, IL?

Your Evanston, IL home wouldn’t be the same without the pets in it, but you might not like how they lessen your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). Allergens, odors, and accidents all make it harder to breathe easily inside, and that can result in a lot of cleaning and maintenance. Learn more about how pets can affect IAQ in the houses they call home.

Pet Hair

You might have gotten so used to pet hair around you that you don’t even realize how much of it there is, but the presence of it doesn’t help the air quality your family enjoys in your home. Pets inevitably shed hair, and these light strands get into the air before turning into sticky traps for pollutants and allergens.

Pet Product Chemicals

Having pets means using specialized products to care for them, and these might include flea treatments, grooming sprays, and shampoos. They help keep your pets healthy and happy but might also have volatile organic compounds. These substances evaporate quickly into the air and contribute to respiratory irritations and allergies. The best way to avoid inhaling these particles is to use and store such products outdoors, in a garage, or in a well-ventilated area.

Pet Dander

Pet dander is one of the most important aspects to consider when discussing how pets impact IAQ. These skin particles often go unnoticed due to their small size, but your pets likely shed dander all the time. Not only can pet dander clog your HVAC system’s filters, leading to decreased airflow, efficiency, and system performance, but it can also lead to more respiratory symptoms.

Having pets doesn’t mean that you need to forfeit your home’s indoor air quality. Even though your four-legged friends negatively impact indoor air quality, you can take steps to keep your IAQ high while enjoying your pets’ company. Contact us at Perfect Temperature Control for all your home’s indoor air quality needs.

Image provided by iStock

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