3 Noises You Don’t Want to Hear Your AC Make in Chicago, IL

Your air conditioner should be relatively quiet, only slightly humming when running. Sometimes, though, your system may produce strange noises that are not only distracting but should also be a source of concern. Here are three such noises you do not want to hear at your home in Chicago, IL.

1. Loud Clicking

Air conditioners may click gently when starting or completing a cycle. If the sound becomes loud and continues as long as the system operates, it is a sign of an underlying problem. This is often due to a problem with the relay switch or capacitors within the compressor.

An untrained person is at risk of electrocution or causing fire hazards when fixing electrical issues in the AC. It is thus crucial to hire a technician to repair your air conditioner. You may also schedule annual professional maintenanceas the technician will identify issues before they escalate.

2. Banging Noises

Your AC system vibrates when it works, and, as a result, it can loosen the screws holding the components in place. As a result, these components can become loose as the system ages.

Loose parts in the compressor can hit the interior casing and produce banging sounds. Continued use of the system under these conditions can damage the compressor and the other parts. This may lead to expensive repairs or replacement of major components.

3. Screeching Sounds

Screeching noises are often a result of a malfunctioning fan. For example, the bearings can dry, and the belt can come loose. Both scenarios cause screeching sounds as parts rub against each other.

Your air conditioner should only emit a gentle hum and soft clicks when starting. Other sounds can indicate an underlying issue within your system. For professional AC repair to fix these noises, contact us at Perfect Temperature Control.

Image provided by iStock

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