Why Is There Nothing on My Thermostat Screen in Evanston, IL?

Do you have a blank screen on the thermostat in your Evanston, IL home? A blank display can quickly become a serious issue if the cold of winter lingers outside. Checking for dead batteries and ensuring the thermostat is on are easy enough, but deeper troubleshooting might require professional service.

Wiring Issues

Sometimes, a thermostat won’t have power because the wires aren’t attached firmly. Many thermostats are in high-traffic parts of a home, and continual vibrations of people passing by might loosen or dislodge the wires. In other cases, rodents in your attic or crawlspace might chew things that impact the wiring.

Dim Display

A thermostat might appear to have a blank screen when the brightness level is too low. See if someone in your home manually dimmed the illumination on the display. Certain thermostats automatically dim their screens for brighter times of the day or if they sense an abundance of surrounding light.

Something Tripped

A blank thermostat screen might make you fear costly looming heating repairs, but it might just be something that tripped. HVAC systems have safety switches that shut down the system when they detect unsafe conditions. Also, a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker might happen after a power surge.

High-limit Switch Issues

Your heating system might have a high-limit switch that can trip. Many furnaces have one to prevent overheating throughout the system. This overheating often results from one of two conditions: the first is poor airflow, and the second happens when parts start to fail.

Thermostat screens blank out for many reasons, from limit switch issues to open furnace doors. An HVAC technician can troubleshoot all these issues and even install a new thermostat if yours is too old. Contact Perfect Temperature Control for all your home’s HVAC maintenance needs.

Image provided by iStock

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